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My name is Zainab Lax and I am born and raised in Germany. I am multi-instrumentalist and community- music therapist and my main Instrument is Harp. I have a western classical background but I have later on also been focussing on several eastern instruments like the Indian Sarod and the Iranian Tar.

I have roots in Germany Turkey, India Afghanistan and Turkmenistan, which made me a flexible person with cultural sensitivity and the ability to easily adapt to other cultures. Music has always helped me in search of my identity and I want to share it with those having experienced rootlessness.


In 2017 I graduated as a music therapist at ArtEZ Conservatory in Enschede/ Netherlands.

During that study I have gained more knowledge about several music

therapy methods adressing Displaced People with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). During my Master at the University of Hildesheim, I have deepened into music as a tool for empowerment. Since 2018 I am working as a freelancer at various Organisations. Through a crowdfunding I have gathered enough money to get a Music-van full of Instruments going from place to place to offer music activities.

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